A quick update on my Bargue drawing...after completing stage 1 construct and stage 2 articulation, I then transferred the drawing to 'good' paper and proceeded to stage 3 contour. In this stage I had to match the values within the shadows paying close attention to the shapes. The last stage 4 rendering will be where I copy the fine details...outline of the eyes, soft edges, etc. I learned much about the 'bed bug' line and how it is darker just before it reaches the edge of the shadow. The school really trains our eye to 'see' things better......shapes...... curves...edges.
And on a funny note I realized I need reading glasses. I could not see a particular shape within the copy thinking the image is too pixelated and thats why I could not make out the shape. After asking a colleague if she could see it clearly (she looked at me very strangely) and she could see it perfectly....she then told me I need reading glasses either 1.75 or 2.00.
And all this time I thought they did a bad job of photocopying!!